Saturday, January 8, 2011

Upcycled Candles

Well, I've been snowed in all day, so I thought these warm and cheery candles would be a perfect little project to do in between my scarf making (those pics to come later). I hate throwing away used-up candle holders see: Fire Place Candle, so I try to do different things with them.

Time: 10 minutes (plus drying time)
finished candles
used matches
battery powered tea lights
Used tea light (to use as place holder)
snow paint


1. Let the last bit of wax melt

2. Put in the used tea light as a place holder then quickly place matches in front to it to resemble a campfire.
3. Let the wax harden then replace the used tea light with the battery powered one being careful not to disturb the matches

For the snow one also pictured, I just sprayed it with snow paint (1/2 off after Christmas!) and used ModPodge and glitter on the top.
They are quite cozy if I do say so myself :)

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